Southwestern Ontario Suzuki Institute Inc.

Student Institute Aug. 11–16 | Teacher Development Aug. 10–18, 2024 | In Person at WLU & Online

General Online InfoPAK 2024


Important Information

We ask students to please arrive at lessons a little early.

Private master class lessons will last one hour. The time of the lesson will be shared as equally as possible between the students in the class. Students will rotate every day within the hour. Students are expected to watch each other’s lessons—they will learn a great deal from seeing and hearing other students being taught. Parents are expected to watch all of the students’ lessons attentively and to take notes (bring a notebook!).

Arrive a bit early to your rehearsal with your accompanist. Each rehearsal is only 10 minutes. You may have to slip out of a class for a few minutes to go to your rehearsal (please warn your teacher at the beginning of the class).

Parents, please remind your children to use their “inside voices” when inside any of the university buildings and to walk quietly and respectfully in the halls and washrooms. University students are still taking courses and writing examinations, and Laurier faculty members have their offices throughout the buildings. Let’s show Laurier how great Suzuki families are!

A unique feature of SOSI is the Young Artist Program (YAP) in violin, cello and piano for advanced Suzuki students. We are privileged to have violinist Corey Gemmell, cellist Paul Pulford and pianist Anya Alexeyev conduct this summer’s classes. We are pleased to have internationally-known master class clinicians working with the YAP students. Students of all levels are encouraged to observe, especially all Senior program students.

Violin YAP Classes will be held in SBC Cello YAP in M2007 and Piano YAP in M2009. See schedules outside those rooms. We ask you to be very quiet to maintain a good teaching/ learning atmosphere. You may enter and leave the rooms at suitable breaks in the teaching.

Laurier’s new practice rooms on the 2nd floor are reserved for Laurier students and will be locked. SOSI students may use any open rooms on the first floor across the street. Doors will be unlocked from 8:30 am to 4 pm each day, and after that, they have to be accessed from inside the Music Building, at the end of the hallway on the 2nd floor and down the stairs. M1326 is a chamber music room and will be dedicated for the use of chamber groups when rehearsing. M4002 and M4012 have two grand pianos in them, and when they’re not being used for piano classes they are open for piano quartets to practice in (lunch times and after 4:15 pm).

M2013 — Check in between 12:05 and 1:40 pm daily.

No eating or drinking is permitted in teaching studios, practice rooms, Theatre Auditorium, or other performance halls.

No pets, with the exception of service animals, are permitted on campus.

Throughout the day (except from 1:45 to 2:45 pm) in the backstage of the Recital Hall. Students and parents are invited to paint the sets for the Operetta with our set designers. Hours will vary according to the stage of the project. Please see the hours posted daily at our office in BA110 or speak directly to our operetta staff. All materials are provided, and you don't have to be registered in Operetta. Join us—it’s free and fun!

We ask that you consider and respect the performers and audience and choose a suitable break to take pictures (not while a student is playing). We would prefer you pose for pictures after the recital/concert. Please also consider that some students and teachers may not wish to be video-recorded during lessons and/or group classes. As a courtesy, we ask you to obtain permission before proceeding.

Visit The Sound Post’s Pop-Up Store at SOSI in BA111, on the 1st Floor of Bricker Academic Building, Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.

There will be an exhibition of instruments, bows, strings, accessories and a selection of music/books. Sound Post will also offer evaluations and on-site repair services for instruments and bows.

Looking for an instrument or bow? Need a new bridge or bow rehair? Want to test a certain shoulder rest or try a new brand of strings?

Please email [email protected] by Tuesday, August 15, with your requests. They can also be reached at 1-800-363-1512.

Smoking is prohibited in ALL university buildings. The WLU policy 7.8 Smoking Policy regulates smoking at Laurier to limit exposure to secondhand smoke, reflecting WLU’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe environment for work and study and ensuring legislative compliance.

In the Savvas-Chamberlain Music Building, fire exits are at each end of the hallway. Should you hear a fire alarm, please leave the building immediately and congregate in the parking lot behind the practice building. Please do not congregate on the campus roadway or under the overpass.

In Music Building rooms, you may ONLY use a door wedge to TEMPORARILY hold doors open. Do not use garbage pails or chairs. In Bricker Academic rooms, please keep your children away from the stacked chairs in the hallway.

Please remember that the university is a public place. Do not leave your belongings, and especially residence or room keys, unattended. Young children should always be accompanied by a parent or designate.

For any emergency, medical or otherwise, please call Special Constables at 519-885-3333 (or ext. 3333 from WLU phones).

SOSI follows the protocols of Laurier. Masking is not required. If you feel more comfortable masking during indoor classes and concerts, you may do so. If you or someone in your family has COVID symptoms, please do not come to your scheduled class and contact the SOSI office in BA110 right away.