Intermediate Program in Violin, Viola, Cello & Bass

Students eligible: Suzuki violinists, violists, cellists or bassists, Bks. 4–6, including adults

Daily 3-hour program includes:
  • Daily master class
  • Daily repertoire/technique class
  • Daily orchestra
  • Solo recital performance opportunity

Daily Optional Classes: (you may choose up to two options as well as Operetta if you like)
  • Chamber Music
  • Choir for Everyone!
  • Beginners Composition (bk. 4+)
  • Intermediate Composition (bk. 4+)
  • Fiddling
  • Handbells
  • Improv
  • Operetta
  • Percussion
  • Viola for Violinists

Cost: $600 CDN for Violin or Viola; $615 CDN for Cello (includes Cello Choir); Optional Classes extra
with Dragon Djerkic (QC) and Margaret Parkin (UK)

Dragan and Margaret will lead our orchestras in a varied selection of music on Friday's Final Orchestral Concert. These conductors have extensive experience working with student orchestras. Prepare to be amazed!
Cello Choir
with David Evenchick (QC)

Cellos sing together again in SOSI’s unique Cello Choir. The music is fantastic, and the “choir” will perform late in the week. Suzuki cellists Bk. 4 and beyond will receive music to prepare in advance.
Solo Recitals
Every student at SOSI has the opportunity to perform in a solo recital. If you're a string student, a professional piano accompanist and one free rehearsal is supplied (if required).
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NOTE: All information, classes, faculty, etc. are subject to change depending on enrolment.
Student Institute Aug. 10–15 | Teacher Training Aug. 9–17, 2025 | Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, CANADA email [email protected]